Friday, June 19, 2009

Wrecking Week 3

The Wrecking Zen Master & The Cowgirl

I thought it was funny that as I was writing last week about my inhibitions in the destruction of my journal, my 12 year old daughter was behind me engrossed in this project. She was supposed to be getting ready for ballet class but she took the little piece of white cardboard out of the packaging of her tights and began to draw on it with make-up, nail polish and hand sanitizer - just the things that she had on hand. Here I was fretting about my capabilities and I am apparently living with a wrecking-zen master.
So, I enlisted her help on some of my other endeavors. Needless to say, she has had some excellent ideas about how to wreck!!

She thought to add the ears & tail to the journal so it looked like a creature and she also suggested I wear a cowgirl hat.

I'm including some photos of some of the other wrecking done this week. I "scrubbed" the page with a Mr. Eraser and made star shapes, ripped some strips and doodled & cut the edges among other things.

I'm looking forward to next week's wrecking and so is my Wrecking Master!


Janet said...

what a hoot! your daughter sounds brilliant! thanks for sharing!

Kristin - The Goat said...

I loved the video! The bunny ears, tail and treat where such a hoot. What a fabulous wreck :)

magpie said...

get your daughter her own copy of "wreck" and have her play along - her wrecking chops are inspiring

Hybrid J said...

Oh Kim, you've done it again and Yeeahh to the cow girl! :)

Kelley said...

My 16 yr old daughter has been an inspiration too! She's having so much fun thinking up ideas to wreck the journal that I plan on surprising her with her own later this week when I go to the mall again..I loved the cowgirl hat, and the ears and tail!! Great fun!!thnx for sharing!!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I love your video. You look like your having so much fun with this. :)
x Natasha x

sam brightwell said...

Fantastic ~ your journal is looking great. I love the little ears too.

Genie Sea said...

Yeee HAW! What fun! Hahaha! Get 'em cowgirl! The Zen Master must be proud of you Kim San! :)

I find it funny that a lot of us decided not to leave the page blank! Sweet rebellion! :)

Jamie said...

Awesome! I loved the ears and tails. And you're inspiring me to imagine a Wreck Star Rodeo! Fun :)

Sherri said...

It looks like you and your daughter shared lots of laughs! I love the jazzy music you added to the video. It added to the overall "funness." Pretty sure I made that word up. Anyway, great job with the ears and the tail. I think roping like you were a cowgirl was priceless! Nice wrecking!

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

What fun to be wrecking as a team!!! Lovely! k-

gma said...

It looks like you are having a blast!!!

Snap said...

Loved loved loved this! I think your daughter is very wise -- stay young at heart and the world is a much nicer place!

l said...

Great video! Yeah for us having daughters that help out with our wrecking :)

The Other Laura said...

What an awesome joyful video! Great wrecking.

Anonymous said...

Loved the cowboy hat - if you're gonna swing a rope, you just have to wear a cowboy hat!! Great job on all your wreckage!!

Lori said...

I love how much fun you are having with the process! The video was great.

Beverley Baird said...

Laughter is filling everyone's blog. What a joyous treat!
Here's to more happy wrecking!

KV Creative Designs said...

I love the people are getting their kids involved! My daughter took one look at my book, even before we started and said she wanted to do her own. She has been Wrecking away! I need to steal a few shots of it so I can share with everyone!
Artful Wrecking Blessings!

Heather Plett said...

I love the ears and tail! Good for your daughter!

My daughters are teaching me to be more free with mine too. We played a rousing game of "tether-book"!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Living with your daughter must be such an inspiration. Brilliant to do a video on talking it for a walk/drag/. What did the neighbors think? Or is your reputation already sullied in the neighborhood?

Barbara Martin (@Reptitude) said...

This is a new level in mother-daughter bonding activities! So much fun!!!

JanetDavies said...

Hurray for the fresh eyed inspiration that kids bring us!!! That's some awesome wrecking.

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